Printable Wall Arts for Every Corner in Contemporary Homes

When you are done with designing or renovating your home with all the furniture pieces and other accessories, and still wonder it feels some incomplete? The floor is all filled but the walls are empty that create an impression of blank space? In case, you are facing such troubles, then here we have some tips and tricks to give your home an instant and quick update.

Almost anything can be a wall art that includes hats, baskets, plates, rugs, and what not. But something that has always been trending since ages is printable wall arts. Take a look at the ideas discussed below that will help you choose the right printable wall arts for different corners of your home. 

How to Pick Right Printable Wall Art?

There are different ways to determine which printable wall art will look good in which part of your home.

Hanging Printable Wall Arts over Beds, Sofa-Sectionals

The thumb rule says that the art piece should be always smaller in size in comparison to the furniture piece. Landscape and nature-themed wall arts work well in the bedroom over the beds, near the nightstands or dressers, in the living area, behind the sofa-sectionals, or even over a console table. 

Decorating a Huge Blank Wall with Printable Wall Art

Planning to decorate a huge wall with a large-sized art work can cost heavily on your pockets. A wiser and cost-saving idea is to use multiple printable wall arts on a single wall. You may use them of different sizes, in different themes, and likewise the ones that incorporate several vibrant and bold colours. The small art work pieces will create a collage look on the wall. Another impressive idea is to create a gallery wall using these printed art works. Gallery walls are in trend these days in all contemporary and modern homes in the spacious living areas, bedroom, and the walkways through the foyers. 

In this case, you can mix and match different themes like combining anime and nature for infusing life in the area.

How to Hang Printable Wall Arts?

Once you are decided with the different places you wish to install the printable wall arts, the next step should be on planning how is it to be done in a manner that makes a nice visual impact to you and to all the near and dear ones who visit your home every now and then.

The key rule to hanging any art piece is that it should always lie in the line of sight. This way it won’t urge you to make enough effort way too up or low at it. Once you have the idea of the correct region and have visualized the spot create a focal setting with our exclusive printable wall art prints.


With these expert ideas, you will be able to hang our exclusive range of printable wall arts anywhere in your home like a pro. Simply, say goodbye to those plain walls and add some design elements, bold and beautiful colours, and life to different areas.  Choose from our wide range today that will become your favourite art piece in no time.

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